Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Crucible Hail Satan - 1232 Words

The Crucible: Hail Satan If you’re looking for a fun, sexy and feel-good romp set in Puritan Salem 1692, then look no more, because Puritanism isn’t overtly â€Å"fun,† per se, and neither was Salem, during that time. The cruel teachings of the Lord put peoples lives in a tight hold of behavior where even their sphincters cast sin upon the world. The Crucible, while historically altered slightly, offers a comprehensive emotional perspective on the interpersonal dynamics of a town caught in some sort of twisted reality T.V. show where each contestant tries to eliminate the other in the name of the game (God), losers get hanged for being witches. It is entertaining, made even more so by the rich characterization offered by the story’s†¦show more content†¦Proctor is played by the other indie darling of all times, Daniel-Day Lewis. His character is the crusading voice of reason against the tyrannical zealotry of fear and superstition. Fear and superstition are used to th e advantage of Abigail’s uncle Reverend Samuel Parris along with Thomas and Elizabeth Putnam. Parris’ daughter betty does not wake after the Satanic ritual of which he witnessed in part (the bloody part), nor does the Putnam’s daughter Ruth. They call in the assistance of another minister and a county Judge to investigate Satan’s involvement with the ailments of these girls as well as the witches responsible for the spiritual chicanery that led these young ones astray. Tituba the Barbadian slave-girl gets blamed first (surprise) by Abigail. Tituba is thusly punished with an agonizing whipping until she confesses to the crime she didn’t commit, but is then spared a hanging. In this, Abigail, the awakened Betty and Ruth, and the rest of the girls see power and opportunity. Their own form of witchcraft takes hold. By accusing other women, old timers, rivals, and wives of rivals the girls can placate the Judge and Rev. Parris, both who could do w ith some good old-fashioned punishment to cleanse the land and save face in their crusade. Even the

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